Achievement 2023
- Formation of Nutri Smart Village in Doghara Tola, Bihiya, Bhojpur.
- Promotion of Natural Farming in Two village with Twelve Participants.
- Spread of Resource Conservation Technology and Z.T. in 49300 ha. with total beneficiary number 49950 in all 14 Block of Bhojpur District.
- Production of 1047 Qt. Pulses Seed of Chickpea (RVG-202) and Lentil (IPl-316).
- Introduction of Bio-fortified Lentil IPL-220 and Wheat BHU-35
- Promotion of Pearl Millet in 70 Acre.
- भीमराज राय को मिला मिलेनियर फार्मर ऑफ इंडिया अवार्ड
Achievement 2024
1. Present Statu of Kishan Sharathi - 9300
2. Seed Production
Chick Pea - 600.00 qt. (GNG-2299)CS
Lentil - 400.00 qt. (IPL-220) CS
Lentil - 11 qt. (IPL - 220) FS
3. Promotion of Proso Millet
4. Promotion of Pearl Millet
5. With NABARD, Bhojpur Promotion & Value addition of Pearl Millet in 5 Village in Koelwar